Cannabis Factory House Clearance

Cannabis Factory House Clearance

Danum House Clearance is the region's premier House Clearance company with a specialist property clearance offering catering to customers feeling the often painful consiquences of property damage at the hands of cannabis cultivating criminals.

We are regularly appointed to carry out specislist cannabis clearance services by lettings agents and portfolio landlords across South Yorkshire, Scunthorpe, Retford aswell as Gainsborough but we can offer these services to customers across the UK.

These clearances are not suited to regular house clearance companies as some contractors do not understand the nature of the works or some of the intricate issues they present such as logging / documenting the clerance for insurance purposes or securing the building in a way to prevent further damage to the property while its empty in the period following the incident. We can liase with local police forces and insurcnace company aswell as security contractors at the customers discressssion.

We are registared waste carriers, fully insured and have trade relationships with waste transfer stations across the UK

If you would like to discuss a specific cannabis factory clearance contact Danum House Clearance today on the form below or call our house clearance hotline on 01302 315070


Request Cannabis Factory House Clearance Services

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